LOC News

SB 5006 – DLCD Local Planning Funding and Regional Housing Needs Analysis

Among the numerous investments included in the end of session “Christmas Tree” budget bill, HB 5006 also included additional funding and direction for the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). The bill gives the Department an extra $2 million to provide assistance and grants to local governments for planning and capacity building related to the assessment of housing need, increasing housing supply and choice (particularly middle housing), including studies of infrastructure constraints, and support of local housing coordinators. This funding is in addition to the $2.5 million included in the DLCD budget bill (SB 5530) for technical assistance to local governments, including smaller communities and rural areas, through contracted services and/or grants, to implement middle housing regulations and to develop plans to improve water, sewer, and storm drainage.

HB 5006 also includes funding for DLCD and Oregon Housing and Community Services and budget notes direction the agencies to develop a legislative proposal for incorporation of a regional housing needs analysis into future state and local and planning processes.

Contact: Ariel Nelson, Lobbyist – anelson@orcities.org

Last Updated 6/25/21