Governing Documents

The LOC is here to provide cities the resources  they need to build thriving communities through advocacy, training and information. As such, the operations and programming of the LOC is grounded by the following documents adopted by the LOC Board of Directors or the LOC membership.

The LOC Board of Directors has set additional policies that further ground and direct the organization’s day-to-day operations. Copies of these policies can be requested from LOC staff.

LOC Bylaws

The bylaws were most recently adopted by the LOC Board of Directors on July 21, 2024. Their purpose is to provide procedures for the conduct of the affairs of the LOC and its board. This document can be amended by the LOC Board of Directors.

View the Bylaws

LOC Constitution

The constitution was last adopted by the LOC membership on October 22, 2021.  This document can be amended by the LOC membership at an annual meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the voting delegates present.

View the LOC Constitution

Intergovernmental (190) Agreement of Oregon Cities

This agreement is for intergovernmental cooperation by units of local government under ORS 190, in performing functions and providing services which all the parties have authority to perform and provide. Each city in Oregon entered into this agreement in 1983, either by ordinance or resolution.

View the 190 Agreement

FY 2022-2027 Strategic Plan

On August 26, 2022 the LOC Board of Directors unanimously adopted the attached 2022-2027 Organizational Strategic Plan for the LOC. This Plan is a cumulation of seven months of work guided by a core Planning Team and four focus groups. The Plan updates the LOC’s vision, mission, and value statements. At the center of the Plan are four Imperatives that will need to be accomplished over the next five years. Each Imperative is supported by a set of Initiatives that will serve as the actionable items needed to accomplish the Plan goals.

View the FY 2022-2027 Strategic Plan

FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget

The LOC operates on a fiscal year (July – June) and adopts a budget annually. The FY 2024-25 budget was adopted by the LOC Board of Directors on June 21, 2024.

FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget 


Audited Financials

View Oregon's 241 Cities

As they say, “If you’ve been to one Oregon city, you’ve been to one Oregon city.” To better serve its member cities, the LOC has divided the state into twelve regions and provides specialized meetings and assistance to each.

View the Map of Oregon Cities

Learn More About LOC's Mission and Vision

The LOC is the trusted, go-to resource that helps city staff and elected leaders across Oregon effectively serve their communities  and speak with one voice.

View the Mission and Vision Statements