LOC News

HB 2001 Moves Through the House

After passing the Full Ways and Means Committee on a 18-3 vote this week, HB 2001 was approved by the House on a vote of 43-16.

This bill has been amended twice and includes a variety of policy provisions relating to zoning, housing capacity analysis, accessory dwelling units, conversion of single-family dwellings, private regulations of development of parcels, and technical assistance.  To help with understanding the full scope of policy in HB 2001, LOC has written a section-by-section analysis of the bill.

The bill now moves the Senate for a vote. The LOC continues to oppose this bill due to the mandate for cities in the Metro region with a population over 1,000 and cities outside Metro with a population over 10,000 to re-zone all single-family residential zones.  Cities can currently undertake this process if it works for their community without this legislation, and if assistance in helping cities review their comprehensive plans and zoning regulations would allow them to proceed in a thoughtful and effective manner.

Contact: Erin Doyle, Intergovernmental Relations Associate – edoyle@orcities.org

Last Updated 6-21-19