LOC News

Tort Liability Bill Held Over

Legislation that will significantly expand tort liability for police claims was held over this week in the Civil Law subcommittee, chaired by Representative Karin Power (D-Milwaukie), but is scheduled for more consideration on April 5.  CIS projects this legislation will cost its members $18 million annually, with the majority of that sum paid in attorney fees, not claimants. 

HB 2204, sponsored by representative Marty Wilde (D-Eugene), is purported to address qualified immunity and incentivize cities to impose discipline on police officers who commit acts of misconduct.  However, this approach provides no additional authority to cities to manage their workforce and expands liability in areas where misconduct is not relevant to the claim.

Defeating this legislation is a priority for the LOC, and city leaders are encouraged to consult with the city attorney on ramifications for their community and contact their representative.

Contact: Scott Winkels, Lobbyist - swinkels@orcities.org

Last Updated 4/2/21