LOC News

Vaccine Incentive Bill Moves Forward

Legislation allowing employers to provide an incentive or accommodation for employees to receive a vaccine for COVID-19 moved this week out of the Senate Business and Labor Committee, chaired by Senator Chuck Riley (D-Hillsboro).  HB 2818, sponsored by Representative Julie Fahey (D-Eugene), deals primarily with the payment of wage claims, but has a sufficiently broad relating clause to allow an amendment dealing with other employment issues.  Amendments adopted by the committee will allow cities and all other employers to provide paid time off, cash or other enticements for employees hesitant to be vaccinated without violating Oregon’s equal compensation requirements.  State statutes require similarly situated employees to be compensated equally, so an employer who accommodates an employee’s need for extra sick time would probably be in violation.  HB 2818 provides retroactive protection for employers who may have taken these actions without realizing the potential violation.  The bill now goes to the Senate floor, where passage is expected, and then back to the House for concurrence. 

Contact: Scott Winkels, Lobbyist - swinkels@orcities.org

Last Updated 5/28/21