LOC News

Despite Moratorium, Evictions Still Attempted

The LOC has heard reports of landlords giving eviction notices to tenants for non-payment of rent despite  Governor Brown’s Executive Order 20-11, which is a Class C misdemeanor.  The governor’s order created a statewide moratorium on evictions for persons impacted by COVID-19 and the economic disruption created by social distancing.  While this is a criminal charge, the penalty is 30 days in jail and a $1,250 fine.  However, there is no parallel civil enforcement mechanism as in the case of workplace violations or restaurants, where operating licenses may be immediately suspended. 

To fill this gap in enforcement coverage, Multnomah County has adopted an ordinance that provides a local moratorium and civil enforcement mechanism to resolve non-payment evictions during the current crisis.  Cities seeking to provide a non-criminal enforcement option should review the information in the link above, and then contact their city attorney.

Contact: Scott Winkels, Lobbyist - swinkels@orcities.org; Ariel Nelson, Lobbyist - anelson@orcities.org

Last Updated 4/17/20

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