LOC News

HB 2001 Passes at Last Minute

On the last day of the 2019 session, HB 2001, which requires more types of housing units to be allowed by-right in single family residential zones, and changes how housing need and capacity is calculated for larger cities and those within the Metro area, passed on the Senate floor, and now heads to Governor Brown for her signature.  On the first vote on the Senate floor, the bill actually failed on a vote of 14-13-2-1.  But as the day progressed, there was a motion to reconsider the vote.  Several members then changed their votes, and the bill passed 17-9-2-2.

This section-by-section analysis provides more information about the changes to housing planning that larger cities will need to undertake moving forward.  Over the course of the session, input from the LOC and several city officials and staff helped shape and mitigate the significant impacts of the original proposed bill. Ultimately, this input was not enough to remove the mandate to change single-family residential zones. HB 2001 has an emergency clause and will go into effect upon signature from Governor Brown. Details of the requirements are in the section-by-section analysis linked above.

Contact: Erin Doyle, Intergovernmental Relations Associate – edoyle@orcities.org

Last Updated 7-5-19

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