LOC News

Watch: LOC Webinar on ARPA Reporting Deadline

Smaller cities are receiving their American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds through the Oregon Department of Administrative Services (DAS).  These cities are referred to by the U.S. Treasury as NEUs, or non-entitlement units of local government, and THESE CITIES HAVE THEIR FIRST ARPA REPORTING DEADLINE ON APRIL 30

The LOC hosted a webinar on April 15 on reporting requirements for smaller cities.  Topics included a brief overview of recent spending and reporting guidance, an outline of a simplified reporting option for NEUs, discussion of available resources from Treasury, and a Q&A session.     

The following resources are also available to help NEUs comply with the reporting deadline:

Documents (See also Treasury’s webpage)

Webinars (See also Treasury’s YouTube)

Mark Gharst, Lobbyist - mgharst@orcities.org or 503-991-2192

Last Updated 4/15/22

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