
Local Government Spring Conference

Thank You for Making the Spring Conference a Success!

More than 300 city officials, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors met in Seaside April 25-26 for the 2023 Spring Conference.  

See you at our Annual Conference in Eugene - October 12-14, 2023!

Thank You, Sponsors!


Session Handouts

Mayors Workshop - Tues., 8:30 a.m.
George Fox Civility Project

Councilors Workshop - Tues., 8:30 a.m.
Combating Misinformation

Managers Workshop - Tues., 8:30 a.m.
Sutherlin Presentation - Jerry Gillham
Heart of the Matter - Jerry Gillham
HB 4098 Fact Sheet
List of Opioid Remediation Uses

Cyber Security - Prepare and Respond to a Cyber Disruption - Tues., 2 p.m.
Preparing for Cyber Threats - DAS

Aging Infrastructure - Tidal Gates - Tues., 3:30 p.m.
Tide Gate Grant and Loan Program - Business Oregon

Behavioral Health and Access to Housing - Wed., 8:30 a.m.
Cambia Health Foundation
Field Guide to Federal Funding - HUD
Regence 2022 Annual Overview

Building Equitable and Inclusive Cities - Wed., 8:30 a.m.
Building Equitable Cities Presentation
Speaker Bios

The First Amendment's Impact on Cities - Wed., 10:30 a.m.
First Amendment Presentation

Addressing the Workforce Housing Shortage - Wed., 10:30 a.m.
Kingfisher Presentation
Seagulls Rest

Lunch & General Session: Top 5 Things State Agencies Wish City Officials Knew About Them - Wed., 11:45 a.m.
OHA - DWSRF and BIL Funding
DLCD Overview
Business Oregon Overview


Tuesday, April 25

8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.    Councilors Workshop - Combating Misinformation in the Era of Polarization

Speaker: Elizabeth Schroeder, Associate Professor of Economics, School of Public Policy, Oregon State University

Americans are increasingly turning to the internet and fragmented media sources for news and information, leading to a crisis of misinformation. We’ll discuss the challenges facing elected officials in this environment, and the best tools for fighting misinformation, communicating effectively through all the noise, and maintaining public trust.

8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.    Mayors (OMA) Workshop - Active Civility: How Mayors Can Help Local Political Cultures Heal

Speaker: Ron Mock, Professor Emeritus of Politics and Peace Studies, George Fox University

America is experiencing the highest levels of bitter political polarization in living memory, driven by unprecedented changes in society and technology. These dynamics affect us at the local level too, with potentially devastating effects on quality of life in our communities. This workshop will demonstrate how mayors can foster a healthier, happier, local political culture by: looking at disagreements in a different light; improving the "soil" of the relationship’s ecosystem within our communities; modeling a three-tiered approach to civility and the stewardship of disagreements; and building the community's capacity to disagree without distrusting. 

8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.    Managers (OCCMA) Workshop -  Finding the City Path Forward for Houselessness and Community Members in Crisis

Facilitator: Sara Singer Wilson, President, SSW Consulting
   Jerry Gillham, City Manager, Sutherlin
   John W. McIlveen, Ph.D., LMHC, State Opioid Treatment Authority (SOTA)
   Fred Boss, Oregon Department of Justice
   Glen Suchanek, MSW, CSWA, QMHP, CADCIII, CRMII, Behavioral Health Specialist, Milwaukie
   Vahid Brown, Clackamas County
   Dr. Patrick Luedtke, MD, MPH, Lane County

Come share and learn how communities across the state are addressing houselessness, opioids and the mental health crisis. What is working? What is not? And where can communities get funding to support these neighbors in need?

11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  Networking Break

12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.    Welcome Lunch & Keynote - Andrea Bell, Executive Director, Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) 

Sponsored by NPPGov-Logo-Navy-RGB-100px.png

HI_Bell_Andrea_web.jpgMs. Bell oversees the strategic direction, vision, and growth of the state agency responsible for providing stable and affordable housing across Oregon. In her previous role with OHCS, she served as Director of Housing Stabilization, where she led the implementation of a wide range of homeless services, energy and weatherization assistance, rental assistance programs, and policy initiatives.


1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.     Networking Break

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.     Breakout Sessions

  • Cyber Security – Prepare and Respond to a Cyber Disruption
    Sponsored by CIS.jpg
    Sherri Yoakum, CSS Business Engagement Manager, Enterprise Information Services, Oregon Department of Administrative
      Mariah Oseanecy, CSS Business Security Advisor, Enterprise Information Services, Oregon Department of Administrative
    The world is increasingly dependent on technology, and systems are more complex and interconnected than ever. Likewise, malicious cyber actors are highly skilled, and attacks on government organizations are increasing. This session will cover how cities can be prepared to respond to cyber disruptions.
  • Successful Strategies to Help Oregonians in Crisis
    Sponsored by OBRC home.jpg
    Mike Savara, Interim Chief Programs Officer, Oregon Housing & Community Services 
    Housing is the key to ending homelessness. OHCS staff and panelists will provide updates on housing-focused shelter interventions, including: navigation centers; interventions that support chronically homeless individuals such as permanent supportive housing; and new strategies to address youth experiencing homelessness.  This session will also share strategies to keep people stably housed.

3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.     Networking Snack Break - Sponsored by Energy-Trust1-100px.jpg

3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.     Breakout Sessions

  • OHCS Affordable Rental Housing Programs 
    Sponsored by TGM.jpg
    Kim Travis, Housing Integrator Public Affairs Division, Oregon Housing & Community Services
    Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) is the state’s housing finance agency, providing financial and program support to create and preserve quality, affordable housing for Oregonians of lower and moderate income.  This session will provide an overview of key affordable rental housing programs and key elements to successfully qualify for competitive funding.
  • Aging Infrastructure: Tidal Gates - The Struggle with Flooding and Drainage
    Sponsored by HomeServe.jpg

      Henry Balensifer, Mayor, Warrenton
      Mark Kujala, Clatsop County Commission Chair, Warrenton Levee and Tidegate Consultant
      Emilee Cooke, Project Assistant Coordinator, Business Oregon, Infrastructure and Program Service
    Sea levels are rising, but most tide gates were installed half a century or more ago. With increased development in waterfront towns, tide gates have struggled to meet environmental goals for salmon, while keeping the communities behind the tide gates dry. This panel will discuss the challenges and solutions for tide gate infrastructure.

5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.      Off-Site Networking Reception - Sponsored by  PGE-100px.jpg  McKinstry-100px.jpg

Join us for fun, food, drinks, and networking at the Loft at the Red Building in Astoria. LOC will provide transportation to and from the venue. Buses will pick up attendees outside the front entrance of the conference center at 5:20 p.m. and depart at 5:35 p.m. The first returning bus will load at 8:15 p.m. and depart at 8:30 p.m. and the second bus will load at 8:45 p.m. and depart at 9:00 p.m.

Wednesday, April 26

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.       Networking Breakfast

8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.    Breakout Sessions

  • Behavioral Health and Access to Housing 
    Sponsored by Regence.jpg

    Andrew Over, Regional Market VP at Regence; Cambia Health Foundation Board of Directors
       Leslie Foren, Director of Program Strategy & Evaluation, Cambia Health Foundation
       Kay Toran, President/CEO, Volunteers of America 
       Margaret Salazar, Regional Administrator, HUD
    Limited access to behavioral health resources creates barriers for people in need, further hindering their ability to get and keep a job, and ultimately impacting accessibility to housing.  This session will highlight Regence/Cambia’s recent commitments to the Oregon market in the behavioral health space, including community investments to help provide the necessary behavioral health resources for those who otherwise would not have access. 
  • Building Equitable and Inclusive Cities
    Sponsored by aarp_OR_spot transparent.jpg
    Bandana Shrestha, State Director, AARP Oregon
    Raahi Reddy, Pacific Northwest Director, Estolano Advisors 

         Keith Stahley, City Manager, Salem
       CM Hall, Councilor, Newport
       John McArdle, Mayor, Independence

    Where we live matters. Where we live impacts our health, how long we live, and how well we live. It impacts our financial security, economic mobility, and our ability to weather adversities. With changing demographics in our communities combined with increasing inequality, cities are at the forefront of addressing some of the nation’s most intractable challenges. Cities and city leaders have a critical role to play in creating better opportunities for health and wellbeing for all residents. This session brings together city and community leaders to explore the challenges and opportunities cities face in advancing equitable outcomes. Our panelists who bring diverse perspectives and hand-on experiences in operationalizing equity and inclusion in local and regional policy, planning, and making where we live great places for all. Join the conversation.

10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.  Networking Break

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.  Breakout Sessions

  • From Employee Speech to Public Comment and Protests: The First Amendment’s Impact on Cities
    Sponsored by Markowitz logo.jpg

       Anit Jindal, Shareholder, Markowitz Herbold PC 
       Hannah Hoffman, Associate, Markowitz Herbold PC
    This session will cover how city governments and employees can and cannot regulate speech under the First Amendment.  It will cover timely issues, such as: How cities can regulate employees’ speech on and off the clock; How city councils can regulate public comment sessions at city council meetings; and How to manage free speech issues when interacting with constituents on social media.  The session is also designed to help city officials make decisions about free speech issues as they arise, providing principles that can be applied in new and novel contexts and situations.
  • Addressing the Workforce Housing Shortage
    Sponsored by Hayden.jpg

       Thomas Fiorell, Housing Coordinator, Tillamook County
       Kevin Shluka, Co-Owner, Coyote Gardens
       Liane Welch, City Manager, Bay City
       Nate Palmer, Partner, City Center Development Partners, LLC
    The panelists will share a broad range of approaches and solutions to the workforce housing shortage in Oregon’s coastal communities. Discussions will explore solutions from the county, city, and developer perspective, including: What workforce housing is and is not; The current Pacific City King Fisher project; Future housing projects on the horizon; Bay City’s approach to creating workforce housing projects; The mechanics of planning, funding, and overseeing project development; and The developer’s experience of working alongside government. Finally, the Q&A segment will discuss how to ensure these types of projects are successful.

11:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.  Networking Break

11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.    Lunch & General Session - Top 5 Things State Agencies Wish City Officials Knew About Them - Sponsored by Comcast.jpg

Chris Cummings, Deputy Director, Business Oregon
Adam DeSemple, DWSRF Coordinator, Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
Lisa Phipps, Oregon Coastal Program Manager, Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD)
Travis Brouwer, Assistant Director of Revenue, Finance and Compliance, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)

Our panel will provide insights on how cities can realize the benefits of working collaboratively and effectively with their respective organizations. 

1:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.      Networking Break 

1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.       Breakout Sessions

  • Not Just for the Private Sector - How Local Governments are Sharing IT Services

       Bill Hopkins, Information Technology, Keizer
       Byron Smith, City Manager, Hermiston
    Hear how two regions are utilizing shared technology resources to increase value and foster better stewardship of their citizens' tax dollars.
  • Legislative Update
    Jim McCauley, Legislative Director, LOC
    LOC Legislative Director Jim McCauley will provide the latest news and updates from the current legislative session.  It’s your opportunity to get your questions answered about bills that could be impacting your local communities.

2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.       Networking Snack Break 

3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.      General Session - Roundtable Discussions - Sponsored by Ameresco logo-100px.jpg

Moderator: Steve Callaway, LOC President; Mayor, Hillsboro

Our program will conclude with a roundtable discussion of municipal challenges, concerns, and best practices, allowing attendees to find and connect with colleagues who share similar experiences. The format will consist of multiple 10-15-minute sessions of roundtable discussion time, with the entire audience coming together at the end to share major discussion points. This session is designed to provide a fast-paced and highly interactive session where many takeaways will be gained over a 90-minute period.

4:45 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.      Happy Hour Reception

Enjoy hors d'oeuvres and a beverage while networking with fellow city officials before heading out to dinner on your own in Seaside.

6:00 p.m.                           Dinner on Your Own